Dream About Masquerade. Every foundational curse of moving forward but going backward, break by fire. I command the fire of God to roast the forces of hindrance and obstacles and paralyse their power, in the name of Jesus.15. 8. 1. Somebody came to her in the dream with a big club in his hand and as the person was moving close, she said, Stop, in the name of Jesus, and the person stopped. The sorrow is so much that they now search for how to overcome the 'civil war' on bed with spirit and be a victor. WARFARE PRAYERS TO DESTROY THE POWERS OF MASQUERADE SPIRIT OF YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE. 10. Altars of darkness sponsoring evil dreams against me, catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every spiritual problem attacking me from my foundation, be cleared way in the name of Jesus. Watch very carefully not to enter an ungodly relationship again. Dream About Masquerade. When somebody wears a mask, it is to hide his identity For him to want to hide his identity from you,shows that he is a person you know. . 1. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. O LORD, let your resurrection power come upon all my dead potentials in Jesus name. To dream that something is given to you suggests that you need to appreciate the gifts you have.. To dream of giving something to someone represents your waking life . My divine dreams, jump out of masquerade cage in the mighty name of Jesus. i agreed though. It calls them every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted. So, it does not matter who planted it, it shall be rooted up. Numerous destinies have been attacked in the dream through masquerade spirit. The Masquerade steal Judahs seal (1) see masquerade in dream mean enemy is in your surrounding. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. 1. Candidate of this kinds of dream always experience a greater level of poverty. Sunday Sermon and Prayer Points By Dr. D. K. Olukoya. Has your night life now become a thing of sorrow and pain? Dream About Masquerade. Masquerade demon, I am not your candidate, die by fire, in Jesus name, 2. If you are from a polygamous home, ask God to have mercy upon you. 19. 3. This "Dream Vision," in a fantastic sequence of events, discloses Marietta's real nature to him, as well as the unnatural, vitally perilous character of the mortuary cult into which he has fallen. Because of the importance of the root, Gods method is to get to the root of a problem. You must take the mask off the spiritual face of the enemy and see the reality of what is exactly harassing you. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. A dummy is an object that is made to look like the real thing but is not the real thing. Every power touching my head for evil receive the sword of fire, in the name of Jesus. Thank you for this site Servants of the MOST HIGH GOD you are such wonderful people keep informing of the WORD OF GOD. Every battle between me and the masquerade from the dream world, I overcome you by blood of Jesus. Let the sword of God's fire cut off the head of every satanic . Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. You appear to be facing problems where running away appears to be the best solution. Every reoccurring dream that comes up whenever Im at the edge of breaking forth in destiny, I go to your root and I destroy both you and the person who has sent you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. GENERATIONAL CURSES. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. WARFARE PRAYERS TO DESTROY THE POWERS OF MASQUERADE SPIRIT OF YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE. 4. 7. 3. A long time ago, in a particular place where I lived, at a certain period of the year, a masquerade festival was held. That is, there is nothing the person may hold as a source of his success or achievement. Feed your spirit man daily by reading and meditating on the word of God. My Father,I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb in the name of Jesus.20. I also feel sleepy all the time, depressed and sucidal..I pray that the God of Elijah that i pray to will one day vindicate me in the blood of Jesus,amen. Dream robbers exist within your family, friends, relatives, cousin. During the festival, masquerades would be all over the town chasing people with whips and little children would stand afar off and make fun of the masquerades so that the masquerades would react and pursue them. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Every generational and foundational satanic pot, cup and plate of dining with the devil reigning in my family and lineage the devil is using against me, O God, smash them into dust, in Jesus name, 21. A lot of people feed their enemy to fight them harder. 5. The power of the masquerade has limiting . 3. You may fight the fruit all your life and will not get anywhere. Every garment of masquerading cover my benefactor, cast fire in the name of Jesus powerful prayer against witchcraft powers. Some people do not know why things are going wrong. Physically, the root of the plant has so many functions which can be related to the root of a problem spiritually. When your sleep, that is your rest has been caged by the enemy, you will have sleepless nights. The power of the masquerade has limiting . 9. Every curse placed on me in the dream, I render you powerless by the blood of Jesus Christ. There are some people called little mothers. I pray that whatever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 1. The reason is that the Word of God says in. Do you have to take sleeping tablets before you can sleep? When you fight against bad dreams, you automatically destroy every satanic activity done concerning you and your household. To fight with them is a sheer waste of time because most of the time, their photographs have been demonically tied to those of the strange women and buried somewhere by demonic prophets. Change her voice Judah could not recognize her voice. When you try to tell them to have respect for God, they would say, My God is not a hard God. They forget that He is the same God who rained fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah and killed the sons of Aaron by the altar. Evil agents can take the photographs of young children and destroy their innocence through the photographs and certain things would begin to happen. I decree that henceforth, my dreams will be filled with revelations from the throne of grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. If the woman was hit and she woke up the next morning to say it was her husband or somebody else she knew, she would be wasting her time. My Father,I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb in the name of Jesus. Our content is under copyright law. PRAYER AGAINST CURSES AND MAGIC SPELLS. The war against masquerade is the one you must fight and win both physically and spiritually. Anger is generally a reaction to that which displeases us. . The dream about masquerade represent some curses, evil covenant in your foundation, that are coming back to hurt you. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. She had blamed her stepmother, her classmate, wicked witches flying at night, her stolen clothes, etc, but alas, the real thing was anger. About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. 8. Every ancestral demon using masquerade spirit to wage war against my fmily progress, be destroyed forever, in Jesus name13. He turned to her by the road and said, Come, let me have intercourse with you; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. For example, if a ghost, or masquerade is far away from you, it means the Lord is keeping your from the attack from your close enemies. So she put off her widows garments and covered herself with a veil, wrapped herself up [in disguise], and sat in the entrance of Enaim, which is by the road to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown and she was not given to him as his wife. He now waited for the herbalist to start discussing with his evil spirits. i am not a man of gub and i am happy if u are so hatefull and distroying a mask this meen somthing to some one els wow i am going to bern a bible, I thanks God for these encouraging words man of God,I always angry easily, keep on dreaming of the house i used to live in as a child. Another root is the spirit of anger. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. It may be used for propagation. Every agent of witchcraft operating evil covenant in my family line, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus.16. Every spiritual parasite, I command you to die, in the name of Jesus. O God, loose me from all the unknown places that have been tied down by foundational -masquerade demon, in Jesus name, Every evil sacrifices offered to demon in my foundation, against my family, I revoke and set you on fire, in Jesus name, Every hidden demon in my root whose work is to afflict and cage my life from progressing, scatter and die, in Jesus name, Every parental pronouncement rubbishing and attacking with unsettled problems, I destroy you today, in Jesus name. The power of the masquerade has limiting, hindering and paralzing effects. Send your testimonies to: testimony@evangelistjoshua.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. These Red Indians noticed that people were dying in their midst on a daily basis. Die by fire , in Jesus name. paralyse their power, in the name of Jesus. am thankful for you dr.to God but i have a question,do you know 666 means 6+6+6(18) characters of quran.mohammad muhsin khan.do you knw where babylon is read zechariah 5:5-11.the kabba is the basket where they built a temple for it.they also has a ritual of throwing 7 stones in jamla:read the bk of 1enoch from chapter 7-the end and see an angel call azazel was buried in desert who taught humans witchcraft and others at different places marked with pillars.isnt written in psa 84:7 each one appear before God in zion.whom do they appear before to?where is egypt then if babylon is north of egypt asia is egypt. Then they blamed it on the disunity amongst them, the white mans attack on them, witches, and so many other things, but there was no solution until one day somebody took the mask off the problem. I declare that I am free from evil dreams in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Maybe you had a school mother or school father when you were in school and now you see the person in the dream, there is a root there to deal with. QURISIYU. The prayer of a sinner, the Bible says, is an abomination unto God. KURISIYU. I command every agenda of the enemy against me in dreams to be exposed now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every evil power pursuing me from my fathers house or mothers house, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. When these masquerades catch up with people, they beat them up terribly. I refuse to direct my spiritual weapons on dummies, in the name of Jesus. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I render useless any dream inspired by witchcraft in order to waste my day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Every mysterious bird and animal that do appear or walk about or fly against me or my family Holy Ghost Power arrest and bind them forever in Jesus name. October 16, 2020 admin. Is there any person you are not feeling safe in. Every material in my possession, carrying satanic power, be exposed, in the name of Jesus. And she said, What will you give me that you may have intercourse with me? Please call: +2348099828623. It is a dream that shows that your foundation is already destroyed. When your foundation is shaken, you will dream about the masquerade. Do you get angry at things and then later realise that it was not necessary? this person i knew was of doubtful character . Praise the lord thank god for giving dr. D.k.olukoye the wisdom of this prayer point massiage is the york that i want my god to break from life i pray that god should destroy the evil power or evil soul using front face hideing his identity using many faces know and unknown to attack and manipulate my peace health and any good that coming and . Sir, . He uses his agents. There seems to be some powerful spirits attached to the ages of 21 and 40. As he continued praying, a man in white garment appeared to him and said, Brother, stop praying. I receive the grace to move forward in life with a full speed, in the name of Jesus. 1. When some people are getting to 40, life seems to fall apart. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. 11. when it drew close to winter i was approached by someone who stated they had connected with a family friend i knew . es. The war against masquerade is the one you must fight and win both physically and spiritually. You masquerade spirit in the foundation of my family causing hardship and stagnation, catch fire, and die, in Jesus name, 12. Henceforth I receive dreams of joy, good news and the likes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. chapter 6: if you dream of airplane that took off but exploded in the sky chapter 7: if you see your face in the mirror in the dream chapter 8: if pursued by masquerade in the . your life. Send your testimonies to: testimony@evangelistjoshua.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. God in His infinite wisdom has decided not to open the spiritual eyes of many people. 9. The power of the masquerade has limiting . All these could be the root of so many things. 14. Joel 2:25: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. Beloved, these prayers is NOT for all people, moreover it is for some people that devil had tormented beyond their aged. So no amount of fighting can deliver such men. Masquerade dream is an extension of influencing people into difficult situations. October 16, 2020 admin. If they are stubborn generational patterns in your family line, masquerade dream may indicates your need to address foundational problems. Dream About Masquerade. . Is your life out of control? Every evil dream projected against my finances, I destroy you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every satanic dream meant to bring separation between me and my spouse, I destroy you by fire in the mighty name of Jesus, Arrows of death fired against me and household in the dream, back fire by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Arrows of destruction targeted against my business, go back to your sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Powers of hell causing manipulations in my health through my dreams, die now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, You human agent sending arrows of sickness against me in the dream, die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, You satanic masquerade pursuing me in my dream, I command you and your evil garment to catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord, arise and fight for me against every household enemy collecting my virtues through dreams in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I release my glory from every satanic contamination, in Jesus name, Family idols, mandating the masquerade to attack me in the dream, catch fire, in Jesus name, Every demon multiplying themselves daily in my foundation, die by fire, in Jesus name, Let the blood of Jesus, stand as a defense to cancel every ancestral evil marks attracting nightmares and problems into my life, in the name of Jesus. Evil dreams projected against my childrens health, be destroyed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Satanic dreams projected against my marriage, scatter by fire now in the name of Jesus Christ, Dreams targeted against my spiritual life, I destroy you now in the name of Jesus Christ. News ), Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. O Lord, forgive me where I have rebelled against your Spirit in Jesus' name. 19. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Or do you often see someone threatening you with death and terrible things in your dreams? If you were sexually abused as a child, it will affect your adult life and can become the root of so many problems. (112) Every evil destiny pattern in our family be Broken, in Jesus name. PRAYER AGAINST CURSES AND MAGIC SPELLS. Every demonic seed that has been planted inside me through the poisonous foods I ate in my dream, I because it is not planted by God, I command you all to be uprooted now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Begin to thank God for answers prayers and cover your prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ. When you dream about masquerade on a regular basis, It means evil burden. 5. prayer against curses and magic spells. The power of the masquerade has limiting, hindering and paralzing effects. But when the mask is taken off, the actual identity may look big but the solution maybe simple. If you come from a family of alcoholics, you will lead a meaningless life. Sometimes, at funerals, the officiating priest would say, The Lord has given and the Lord has taken, blessed be the name of the Lord, when the Lord did not take anything. BIBLE CONFESSION : Genesis 38:13-26, psalm 82:4, Daniel 3 . O God cancel every season and unfinished problems in my life, in Jesus name30. Dream About Masquerade. 15. And she said, Will you give me a pledge (deposit) until you send it? Many people have been destroyed by the spirit of masquerade in the dream. It says, Kill the spider and there would be no cobwebs. A lot of people abandon the problem spider and keep busy fighting the cobwebs and then confusion sets in. Every ancestral demon using masquerade spirit to wage war against my fmily progress, be destroyed forever, in Jesus name. Do you often dream about masquerade? 15. Are you even aware that it is not the will of God for you to be going through any pain or discomfort whenever you want to sleep? Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Take the following Bible verses: 1 John 4:4, 1 Peter 5:8-9, Psalm 11:3, James 5;13-15, 1 Cor 3:11, Psalm 82:4,Daniel 3: 17-18.Do you often dream about masquerade? Every curse of thou shall not go far in life placed against me, backfire your sender, Every power in my foundation that has signed a life contract of spiritual war with me, be destroyed by the hammer of God, Every secret about my life that my parents has released to my enemies, I lose their memory, in Jesus name, Any masquerade assigned to attack me in the dream, be parallyzed and disappointed in Jesus name, Powers holding my blessings, wealth, health, anointing and glory captive, Jesus Christ loose me and bind the pwoers in Jesus name. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. Father destroy masquerade veil that cover my spiritual eyes in the name of Jesus. what i did not know is that he was secretly communicating with him. Any sin of my parents and lineage holding me captive, be destroyed, in Jesus name28. Oh Lord, make me a terror to the kingdom of darkness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The person may just be wasting his or her efforts in futility. Change). Satanic problems anchor, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 5. 11. 1. 3. The devil makes people to forget things that happened to them because he has planted some evil things in their lives through those things. He might have complained that his problem was great but when you take the mask off the face of his problem, you find out that his problem was actually covetousness. In fact, I read commerce. So as the man went inside, the brother picked his bag and ran away. Every power touching the anointed, receive the sword of fire, in the name of Jesus. PSM 91. Content created and supplied by: Realzinks (via Opera Balaam was supposed to be a prophet. Masquerade in the dream, means witchcraft spirit and household enemies. GENERATIONAL CURSES. You have entered an incorrect email address! He tried to carry out his duties but failed and invited Gods anger upon himself. The power of the masquerade has limiting . Consider also how you were received. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign. 6. However, if you dream that your late father, mother or relatives is chasing you, it means that you will not live long, being received with the attack of sickness and poverty. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. Many times, people blame all kinds of things for their problems, while the actual cause remained untouched. Then she said, Stand at attention so that I can look at you well, and he obeyed. If this dream u. #BattleOfTheGates Day 20 Prayer 1: In the, DAY 19 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES BANQUET OF DREAM INTERPRETATIONS #BattleOfTheGates Day 19 Prayer 1: My, DAY 18 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES DEFEATING WITCHCRAFT DREAMS #BattleOfTheGates Day 18 Prayer 1: Power to, DAY 17 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES POWER TO UNDERSTAND DESTINYS DREAM CODE #BattleOfTheGates Day 17 Prayer, DAY 16 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES POWER TO INTERPRET DESTINY DREAMS #BattleOfTheGates Day 16 Prayer, HAPPY NEW MONTH FEBRUARY 2023 PROPHECIES, DAY 21 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 20 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 19 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 18 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 17 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 16 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, DAY 15 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES, And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. This is wonderful pastor, i have been blessed by the reading of this sermon and may God continue to uphold u and strengthen u daddy God bless u sir. Have you ever wondered why you were born? Legally enter covenant that could not be break Sex is a spiritual way of enter covenant with man or woman. And this herbalist used to disturb him at night with all kinds of spirits making funny sounds inside his room and his numerous customers who came in at all times to consult with him. Every covenant with masquerade demons of my fathers house, break by fire, in Jesus name, 3. You evil personality behind the evil dreams Im having, receive permanent shame now in Jesus name. I decree: every satanic pit that has been dug for me and my family, be closed now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Masquerade dream is very difficult to tackle. Oh Lord I ask that you help me to fight every battle that has been raised against me by my adversaries in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 13. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Have you felt like your parents never wanted you? 6. 20. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Every agent of witchcraft operating evil covenant in my family line, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus. I claim my complete deliverance from foundational powers, in the name of Jesus.11. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. You masquerade spirit in the foundation of my family causing hardship and stagnation, catch fire, and die, in Jesus name, Every ancestral demon using masquerade spirit to wage war against my fmily progress, be destroyed forever, in Jesus name. 437 views, 2 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Itumo ala ati ona abayo: DREAMS OF MASQUERADE AND INTERPRETATION.. Just before we go into the prayers, please check below for the benefits of praying the 60 prayer points against bad dreams. In Matthew 3:10, we see a powerful verse of Scripture which says, And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. So, if you see somebody standing somewhere and praying that unprofitable trees be axed down, his prayer is scriptural. There are many examples in the Bible of people who refused to go to the root of their problems. Every demon of masquerade against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. I break you evil covenants that disconnect my life from progress, blessings, favour, good luck, serving and loving God, good health and long life in the name of Jesus.17. Here at home he doesnt respect his matrimonial bed, he said he would sleep where he wants and I cant tell him anything. She said, Now what do you want? He said, I have been sent to destroy you. She said, Right now, I command you, in the name of Jesus, to begin to hit your head with the club in your hand. He started hitting and eventually killed himself. I bind on earth shall be loosed in heaven 40, life seems to fall apart demons! The mask is taken off, the actual cause remained untouched by fire in the name of Jesus.11 destroyed! Prayers to destroy you to enter an ungodly relationship again # x27 ; name Stand at attention that. Your behalf he was secretly communicating with him one you must fight and win physically... 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