The Japanese also seized the key oil production zones of Borneo, Central Java, Malang, Cepu, Sumatra, and Dutch New Guinea of the late Dutch East Indies, defeating the Dutch forces. The plane in which Fukudome was flying also crashed into the sea, near the island of Cebu. A unified American-British-Dutch-Australian Command, ABDACOM, under Wavell, responsible for holding Malaya, Sumatra, Java, . They were prepared and distributed as a result of a specific need, and represented a form of publication for matters outside the usual range of translations and reports. They were numerical inventories under 17 principal categories of documents considered to be of probable or general value. 14) was published and entitled Japanese Violations of the Laws of War. The report contained 28 pages of translations, each translation accompanied by a photostatic copy of the original document and authenticated under oath by the translator. Red 2 beach was found to be highly unsuitable and the promised roads were non-existent. [14] MacArthur would have liked to deny this area to the Japanese, but he had neither sufficient air nor naval forces to undertake a counterlanding. However, using 27 tons, at 40 lbs. The Allied victories in 1943 set the stage for the strategic advances of 1944, but they did not determine the exact lines of attack. Interrogation of a prisoner confirmed the fact that supplies were being unloaded at Lae from enemy submarines. In September 1945 they seized in Singapore important documentary evidence of war crimes, including photographs showing captured Indian soldiers being executed for refusing to join with Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army. [36], The Australians decisively turned back the Japanese assault in the ensuing 2931 January 1943 Battle of Wau. Through this, a complete picture of the organization, strength and disposition of this force was gleaned. The Japanese also planned to capture other strategic areas where they could establish advance posts and raise an outer barrier against an Allied counteroffensive. It is important to note that all ATIS units maintained close relations with the CIC units and Australian Army Field Security Service, since these units were largely responsible for the collection and dispatch of captured documents in forward areas to the language personnel stationed with tactical units. [27] As the Japanese ground forces pressed toward Port Moresby, the Allied Air Forces struck supply points along the Kokoda Track. Joining JICPOA once it became an inter-service organization were some 50 US Army Military Intelligence Service (MIS) Nisei linguists. To ease the congestion on White 1, 11 LSTs were landed off White 2, while engineers from the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade worked to clear the beach, shifting stores and equipment into Jautefa Bay. The inventory provided a complete listing of specific weapons, their condition and number in stock, storage locations, and place of manufacture. Consequently, Japanese efforts to develop the area were delayed throughout 1943 and 1944. [14] The 18th Army did not plan for the defense of Hollandia, and the Army Air Force and Naval units stationed there had little opportunity to develop plans due to the rapid turnover of their leadership. The information contained in these reports were bibliographically indexed. ATIS was directed to make available to the board any and all information having to do with the identification of Japanese war criminals. This success was attributable to Milne Bay's Australian and US defenders together with the crews of the (mostly Dutch) merchantmen that had delivered vital supplies and reinforcements to the garrison. [7] The attack was designated Operation Reckless in recognition of the risks involved in carrying it out. All agreed, of course, that the naval forces that had met with such success in the Gilbert Islands should push toward the Marianas, from which the heavy B-29 bombers of the Army Air Forces could strike at Japan. The defeat of the Japanese invasion of Milne Bay by 5 September 1942 was the first Allied land victory over the Japanese. [13], Due north of Port Moresby, on the northeast coast of Papua, are the Huon Gulf and the Huon Peninsula. Incidence of malaria was almost one hundred per cent. [citation needed]. In many instances these organizations were staffed with translators trained in military and naval language schools in the United States. [4][32] The shortage of shipping meant that each ship had to be loaded as efficiently as possible, using a technique known as combat loading to ensure that the most important stores and equipment could be unloaded quickly. The attack failed, and the Japanese were driven back toward Wewak. The other landing would be made at Humboldt Bay by two RCTs (the 162nd and 186th) of the 41st Division. If the transports succeeded in staying behind a weather front and were protected the whole way by fighters from the various airfields surrounding the Bismarck Sea, they might make it to Lae with an acceptable level of loss, i.e., at worst half the task force would be sunk en route. "[43], Marshal Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto promised the emperor that he would pay back the Allies for the disaster at the Bismarck Sea with a series of massive air strikes. For this, he ordered the air arm of Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa's Third Fleet carriers to reinforce the Eleventh Air Fleet at Rabaul. The Japanese at Rabaul and other bases on New Britain would have easily overwhelmed any such effort (by mid-September, MacArthur's entire naval force under Vice Admiral Arthur S. Carpender consisted of 5 cruisers, 8 destroyers, 20 submarines, and 7 small craft). The first appeared on October 19, 1944, and as of September 1, 1945, eight had been completed and published. All of these factors had to be taken into account in determining the lines of advance in 1944. The following month at least 20 fighters were lost in combat, while eight were destroyed in July. In February 1943, the first contingent of twenty graduates from the Navys Japanese Language School at Boulder, Colorado arrived at ICPOA and began interrogating prisoners of war and translating captured documents. [21], Although RAAF PBY Catalinas and Lockheed Hudsons were based at Port Moresby, because of the Japanese air attacks, long-range bombers like B-17s, B-25s, and B-26s could not be safely based there and were instead staged through from bases in Australia. The westernmost tip of New Guinea fell into Allied hands in the same month when elements of the U.S. 6th Infantry Division occupied the Sansapor-Mar area of Vogelkop Peninsula. He did successfully conduct the Western New Guinea campaign in 1944 which liberated much of Dutch New Guinea. It included excerpts from Japanese captured documents on their research and use of bacterial warfare. Dutch Indies Japan Nava Occupation Sulawesi GORONTALO with orange disc (2X) $3.25 . 9, Japanese-English Medical Dictionary; No. The survivors were rescued by local villagers and handed over to Lieutenant Colonel Jim Cushing, US Army, the leader of the Philippine Guerrillas. . Combined Fleet, Third Fleet and Southeast Area Commanders. One company landed on White 2 and secured Cape Tjeweri, after which a group of 18 LVTs crossed the sandspit to land two more companies near Pim inside Jautefa Bay. [1] Among them were the Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center (SEATIC)[2]; the Sino Translation and Interrogation Center (SINTIC)[3]; and, the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA). [29] The Japanese arrived and the 25 August 7 September Battle of Milne Bay was underway. Among their functions was to collect and study captured enemy documents. [40], The 41st Division was to stage from Cape Cretin, while the 24th would depart from Goodenough Island. In May 1945 ADVATIS followed the advance of General Headquarters into Manila. Statistical and Accounting Branch Office of the Adjutant General 1953, p. 94, Craven & Cate 1948, p. 477 & 723 (note 15), Office of the Combined Chiefs of Staff 1943, p. 67, New Guinea: The US Army Campaigns of World War II, "Biography of Lieutenant-General Heisuke Abe () ( ) (18861943), Japan", United States Army Center of Military History, The Conquering Tide: War in the Pacific Islands, 19421944, "Report on Historical Sources on Australia and Japan at war in Papua and New Guinea, 194245", "The Campaigns of MacArthur in the Pacific, Volume I", "Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area, Volume II Part I", National Archive Video of Hollandia Bay, New Guinea Invasion, Allies Study Post-War Security etc. Joseph J. Rochefort (of the Battle of Midway code-breaking fame). Document numbers and a brief description including authority, title, date, area of reference and similar essential data were set forth under seventeen headings, such as 1) Diaries, Field; 5) Letters, Postcards; and 16) Technical Documents. This procedure called for all documents to be briefly examined, and those of operational value segregated from those having probable or general value and those having no apparent military value, and provisions were made for the translation on a priority bases of those sections of documents containing information of operational value. This bombardment was augmented with air strikes from carrier-borne aircraft, while two destroyer-minesweepers, Long and Hogan, swept the bay ahead of the main landing force. Having been organized along lines completely unorthodox, these were invaluable documents to the G-2 Section, especially as this Force was a major enemy unit on the left flank near La Union, Luzon, at that time. They arrived off Hollandia during the night of 21/22 April and about 20 miles (32km) offshore, the convoy split again with the Central Attack Group preceding for Humboldt Bay while the Western Attack Group turned towards Tanahmerah Bay. I am estimating that a cubic foot of records is 2,500 pages. [citation needed], Three factors conspired to create disaster for the Japanese. Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea had already fallen, and all of Australia's security hopes premised upon Britain's Fortress Singapore ideology had collapsed. [10], The colonial capital of Port Moresby on the south coast of Papua was the strategic key for the Japanese in this area of operations. Despite the disaster of the Bismarck Sea, the Japanese could not give up on recapturing Wau. The terrain, however, proved more problematic. 3, Glossary of military terms encountered in Japanese documents; No. Cushing, realizing the possible significance of the documents, notified his superiors who in turn notified the Allied Intelligence Bureau in Brisbane. [58], Japanese casualties amounted to 3,300 killed and 600 wounded in combat;[59] a further 1,146 were killed or died in the area up to 27 September 1944. 10, Restoration of Captured Documents (June 28, 1945). 8, Kanji Abbreviations, Variants, and Equivalents; No. Over 120 of these Research Reports were published. The Dutch East Indies fell into Japan's sphere. Over the course of an hour, this feature, dubbed Pancake Hill, was captured with only minimal opposition. 119 deals with the Japanese Military Police Service and Report No. Rabaul overlooks Simpson Harbor, a considerable natural anchorage, and was ideal for the construction of airfields. [20], Since Port Moresby was the only port supporting operations in Papua, its defence was critical to the campaign. [19], Allied planners estimated Japanese forces around Hollandia at around 14,000 troops in total. As in most Pacific War campaigns, disease and starvation claimed more Japanese lives than enemy action. Adachi's decision may have been motivated by a belief that Hansa Bay would be the target of the next Allied amphibious landing and that he could reinforce Hollandia at a later date. They included plans, charts, air defense details on all Japanese-held Pacific islands, and battle orders. In the early months of 1944, both at Bougainville and at Rabaul, large numbers of Japanese troops were effectively put out of action without being confronted in bloody combat. This information was immediately translated, relayed to naval and air units, and, coordinated with the translation of a captured map showing enemy positions, resulted in the repulse of the enemy attack by naval and aerial bombardment. [47], As a result of the terrain difficulties, Tanahmerah Bay was quickly written off as a landing site; while the infantry already ashore pressed on to the Sentani plain the remainder of the 24th Division was diverted to Humboldt Bay, which had by this time been secured. Once Manila and its environs had been captured, CIC search and seizure teams located and took custody of large quantities of Japanese documents. MacArthur, with a firm foothold in New Guinea, was determined to move next to the Philippines, from which he had been driven after Pearl Harbor, and from there launch the final attack on the Japanese home islands. Late in June, an officers notebook captured at Mokmer, Dutch New Guinea on June 11th, contained a sketch showing strength and company dispositions surrounding the airfield. The fires around White 1 continued until 27 April when the engineers were released to return to the beach. Other organizations were established throughout the Pacific Theater to translate and exploit the records. It would commit all the remaining Japanese naval power to one last major battle with the Allies. Garrisons were effectively besieged and denied shipments of food and medical supplies, and as a result, some claim that 97% of Japanese deaths in this campaign were from non-combat causes. Three weeks later, on March 21, 1944, a captured field order disclosed the Japanese strength at Rossum, New Britain. [39] It is indicative of the extent to which Japanese ambitions had fallen at this point in the war that a 50% loss of ground troops aboard ship was considered acceptable. With New Guinea well under control, the Allies made their first strike toward the Philippines on September 15, 1944, when the U.S. XI Corps landed on Morotai Island, halfway between the Vogelkop Peninsula and Mindanao, the southernmost large island of the Philippines. Hollandia was a port on the north coast of New Guinea, part of the Dutch East Indies, and was the only anchorage between Wewak to the east, and Geelvink Bay to the west. 5 captured many military documents. There was also a small airstrip.To the west, the Cyclops Mountains rise to over 7000 feet (2100 m). (1944),, 44,000 on Bougainville (politically a part of New Guinea), 30,500 on New Britain, New Ireland, and the Admiralty Islands. This attack also destroyed 60 percent of all rations and ammunition that had been landed, and resulted in shortages amongst the infantry advancing towards the airfields. [16] In the resulting 48 May 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea, the Allies suffered higher losses in ships, but achieved a crucial strategic victory by turning the Japanese landing force back, thereby removing the threat to Port Moresby, at least for the time being. Twelve of these were scheduled to be produced, beginning in March 1943. In response, on 8 March General Douglas MacArthur sought approval from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to bring forward the previously planned landings at Hollandia to 15 April. Pin-pointed locations of components of the enemys main artillery support for this operation were made available to all Corps artillery units. Most regrettable!!' 37, No. (Map 2) Invasion of Dutch New Guinea. US radio crew sets up communications center just after landing on Hollandia 1944. [50], Three transports were assigned to the operation, Westralia, Gunston Hall and Ganymede. At wars end it moved to Tokyo. They were special works, compiled for general reference purposes. The Japanese defended Biak valiantly, even managing at one point to bring in 1,100 reinforcements, but they were finally overcome in early August. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. A map, also captured on March 21st, and quickly translated, proved to be more accurate than maps possessed by the attacking forces. 4, to acquire Japanese records, staged a contest, making awards to Burmese or Chinese turning in the most documents. [45], At Tanahmerah Bay, after a naval bombardment from the three Australian cruisers commencing around 06:00, the two RCTs from the 24th Division disembarked from the four U.S. and Australian transports Henry T. Allen, Carter Hall, Kanimbla and Manoora and moved ashore aboard 16 LCIs. MacArthur's rollback began with the 16 November 1942 22 January 1943 Battle of Buna-Gona. [5] During the Guadalcanal campaign a large quantity of documents were captured, including ones retrieved from the Japanese submarine I-1, just offshore.[6]. [23] The Australian and American anti-aircraft gunners of the Composite Anti-Aircraft Defences played a crucial part. [27], The ground forces would be supported by two naval bombardment forces. In early 1945, in the vicinity of Bhamo in northern Burma, CIC CIT No. On 17 September, the Japanese had reached the village of Ioribaiwa, just 30 kilometres (20mi) from the Allied airdrome at Port Moresby. Then began the grueling Kokoda Track campaign, a brutal experience for both the Japanese and Australian troops involved. Rabaul became the forward base for the Japanese campaigns in mainland New Guinea, including the pivotal Kokoda Track campaign of July 1942 - January 1943, and the Battle of Buna-Gona. Horikoshi was in the Philippine Islands from May 1942 to August 1943, and the diary contained a good coverage of that period, depicting atrocities, conditions in Allied prisoner-of-war camps, and conditions in the Philippine Islands in general. ups hazardous materials irregularity, famous left libertarian, crime rate in nayarit mexico, ; No driven back toward Wewak, Allied planners estimated Japanese forces around Hollandia at 14,000. Tons, at 40 lbs troops involved invasion of Milne Bay by naval. Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of Wau a brutal experience both..., Restoration of captured documents ( June 28, 1945 ) the operation,,. 186Th ) of the Coral Sea and Battle orders Division was to stage from Cape Cretin, while 24th! Fame ) the records Rochefort ( of the Battle of Buna-Gona a brutal experience both... Division was to collect and study captured enemy documents, near the of. 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