This should be supplemented with raw meats, and other foods. The Alaskan malamute is a beautiful sled dog who, unfortunately, also has a strong prey drive and could easily perceive your cat as his next victim. Alaskan malamutes have history of deadly attacks. Alaskan Malamutes are very challenging to train and live with. carnivore, any member of the mammalian order Carnivora (literally, "flesh devourers" in Latin), comprising more than 270 species. The data was entered into a machine learning system with the aim of predicting the dog's behavior in various situations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It's incredibly important not to overfeed a Malamute, as this will make them sick. To keep your Alaskan Malamute in, and to keep other animals out, fences should be high, with wire sunk into the ground along the fence line to thwart digging. And if provided with enough toys and exercise would my schedule be a problem for this breed of dog? The Alaskan Malamute (/mlmjut/) is a large breed of dog that was originally bred for its strength and endurance to haul heavy freight as a sled dog and hound. An Alaskan Malamute may not be right for you. There may be contention in the ranks as one of the lower pack members vies for the role of top dog. On the other hand, Alaskan Malamutes are usually great with people. Alaskan Malamute. While Huskies are more likely to jump over it, the Malamute thats right can tunnel her way under there in no time if not properly entertained and exercised. The usual colors are various shades of grey and white, sable and white, black and white, seal and white, red and white, or solid white. This breed should not be kept in a hot climate. They join in the hunt when they are ready and perfect their skills over time. Malamutes have been domesticated for centuries. Phone number: +1 509-427-4883. This stamina will make the most difference in a fight with wolves because they are matched when it comes to strength and cunning. I just love that dog. A Malamutes sociable nature makes them more likely to try and befriend any new people they meet rather than show aggression towards them. Classes? But From Where? Stafford) X Husky) and she has shorter hair and also therefor less problems with a lighter temperatures. The average male weighs 85lbs. Unfortunately, your Malamute itself may present tempting prey for a small wolf pack or even a larger one that is running shy of its meat quota for the day. While wolves often do succeed in killing their prey, it is rarely a pretty battle. Read this guide to learn how to easily tell an Alaskan Malamute from a Siberian Husky! Owning an Alaskan Malamute should not be taken lightly, as she is a high maintenance dog in many respects and needs a dedicated owner who understands this. If you see one wolf, the odds are good that there are others nearby waiting for its call to notify them of prey and potential dangers in their paths. In terms of color variants, some Malamutes exhibit a dark grey to buff-colored undertone around their trimmings and white areas, presenting with a color-linked gene known as Agouti. He can be very lovely and needs your attention but watch out when he is sleepy, no way to touch him then. As far as weight goes, the gray wolf weighs between 82 and 88 pounds, and the Alaskan Malamute weighs between 75 and 85 pounds. Without sufficient exercise and challenging things to do, Malamutes become rambunctious and bored, which they usually express by chronic howling and destructive chewing. yes, our Koko ran (far & wide) as a young dog, we always got him back, but after neutering, took about a year for the wanderlust to abate. Some like my male are quite strong alphas and can pull 3000lbs. If you are considering adopting an Alaskan Malamute that has aggressive tendencies, we highly recommend talking to a dog behavioural specialist. The Alaskan Malamute stands between 23 and 25 inches tall. The temptation to play roughly is too strong in many young Alaskan Malamutes. But the fact is that wolves hunt for all their food and generally have more experience. There is often a marked size difference between males and females. Alaskan Malamute Puppies for Sale The average Alaskan Malamute price is between $1,200 and $1,700. [7] The outer guard coat is coarse and stands off the body longer at the withers but not more than one inch off the sides of the body. These wolves watch the experienced hunters and then mimic their actions. The most common reason is genetics, followed by eating habits and diet, exercise, or other undiagnosed health conditions. The Huskys lifespan is longer than most, but not as long as the malamute, his hips were also bad, but he was no where near as big so because of the difference in the weight they didnt seem as bad as the malamutes. Females are somewhat smaller, usually weighing 75lbs. The Alaskan Malamute is a domestic dog breed that originated from Alaska and mostly known to be one of the oldest sled dogs. Home Breed 7 Things To Know Before Getting An Alaskan Malamute, This page contains affiliate links. She likes spending time with her family. Alaskan Malamute can pull extremely heavy loads of up to 3,300 lb (1500 kg). Alaskan Malamute Vs. Siberian Husky: Which Dog Makes a Better Pet? The gray wolf stands between 31 and 33 inches in height. 100 Best Names for Alaskan Malamutes Female and Male, Are Alaskan Malamutes Good Family Dogs? Once I get a house with some land I will get two or more. The Malamutes well-furred tails aid in keeping them warm when they curl up in the snow. Other then going to the vet he was really easy to take care of and loved our family. [13], The most commonly reported health problems of Alaskan Malamutes, in the 2004 UK Kennel Club survey (based on a sample size of 64 dogs) were musculoskeletal (hip dysplasia), and hereditary cataracts. We are aware he will take another male down if they chin him, if you monitor their fiends closely you will have one of the most loyal, clowns, that love you ! (Complete Guide), Do Alaskan Malamutes Have Blue Eyes? There is no denying the strength and stamina of this breed, and many owners believe, that their Malamute (Mal for short) can take on any comers. This may mean that in some cases they will chase smaller animals, including other canines, as well as rabbits, squirrels, and cats. Are Alaskan malamutes high maintenance? Malamutes are quite the professional diggers and can make a real mess in the garden when they put their mind to it. But pack sizes vary widely with most packs, including two to thirty wolves though some have had as many as fifty wolves in a single pack. It's the pigment in the iris which determines the color. How to keep your Mal cool in the heat of summer. Are there other major concerns we need to be mindful of before getting serious about this dog? In fact, it is usually a matter of death by a thousand papercuts with most prey dying of shock long before they would succumb to their injuries. Many Alaskan Malamutes are clever escape artists who will go over, under, or through fences in search of adventure. They were mostly inside dogs for us, who enjoyed the central air conditioning just as much as playing outside & escaping to run. Should you worry if your Malamute wont howl? Its not known how many, if any, of those deaths involved malamutes. Alaskan Malamutes can usually get on with pet cats if she is raised from a young age with them. It also depends on how much the breeder decides to charge. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK. This gives the Malamute an advantage in the fight that may ultimately lead to victory for the Malamute. He cannot go to a home with cats. They are slightly rounded at the tips, set wide apart, and carried erect, though they may fold against the head when the dog is working. $800. Both animals have perky ears and highly intelligent eyes. They didnt stink as much as other hot dogs, but they consume a lot of water & food! Loves his play not aggressive at. 373 talking about this. [18][pageneeded] The dogs were renowned for their excellent hunting abilities and were used to hunt large predators such as bears. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. Wolves dont have humans to feed them. If an Alaskan Malamute does become aggressive towards a person, there is normally a reason behind it. He is a beautiful dog, loyal to the nines, totally awesome dog. Apply shampoo mixture to the dog's fur, starting at the back and working forward. This is a great constellation. Exercise Needs (5/5): Being a member of the Working Group, the Alaskan Malamute Dog constantly desires tasks to do. They stick their noses in the air & start to sniff looking at the clouds. Have you considered a mix of a husky and malamute with other breeds? Ultimately, the answer is yes: an Alaskan Malamute can kill a wolf in a Malamute vs. wolf fight. right now my Malamute about 9 weeks old and even in the house she complains when its basically over 75- 80 degrees and is constantly wanting to go outside where its like 20 degrees ( anchorage, alaska) not saying its undoable to have a malamute down there but in the summer youre going to want it like some wet Frozen towels so they can chew on them and give him a lot of cool water, shade. A male Alaskan Malamute can weigh up to 95 pounds, while females can get as big as 84 pounds. BluMoon Alaskan Malamutes No puppies are available. I wonder if we couldnt have also created that atmosphere as a puppy for them somewhere else in the house more removed for when lots of company came. Alaskan Malamutes have almond-shaped eyes. The undercoat has an oily and woolly texture and can be as thick as two inches. Traditionally, wolves stalk their prey before going after it. [9] Alaskan Malamutes also often participate in animal therapy programs, like visiting patients in hospitals, due to their soft nature. Our BASIC rule-treat your dog as if they were your child Consistent SIMPLE/SINGLE words because that is what they understand yes, no, stay, here, come, good boy/girl, finger snap, hand clap, etc. Like the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Husky, she was bred to pull sleds over long distances. Alaskan malamutes are said to be a wonderful pet and companion dog who are dependable and extremely affectionate. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Grey/white in color. Average size and weight Alaskan Malamute females in peak condition normally weigh up to 34kg and are 59cm tall, while the male usually weighs up to 39kg and is 64cm tall. He never did any digging as I can recall. Attach the towline and drag it out so that it's stretched away from the pulling object. Especially when it comes to larger prey that pose a more significant challenge and risk to the pack. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. The malamute also had heart worms from before we got him, overall he healed really well & very fast, perhaps bc of the Wolf. It is definitely possible. He knows word & hand signals. It is definitely possible. Spokane, WA. It depends. Malamutes are usually quiet dogs, seldom barking. A good way to check if the amount you are feeding your . With the right training and consistent, strong leadership, she can learn to be a follower. This is a serious working dog with tremendous strength. The physical build of the Malamute is compact and strong with substance, bone and snowshoe feet. [5] 4. Dudley ended up in the shelter system when his human passed away. There is no definitive answer to this question as there are so many different fighting breeds and breeds of dogs that can be used in fighting. As much as she loved playing in the snow, she hated the rain. Either way, they will defend themselves, their packs, and their humans, but they will be unlikely to attack a wolf without provocation. Weights upwards of 100 pounds (45kg) are also seen.[7]. Thus the natural differences we see today. AKC[20], The Malamute dog has had a distinguished history; aiding Rear Admiral Richard Byrd to the South Pole, and the miners who came to Alaska during the Gold Rush of 1896, as well as serving in World War II primarily as search and rescue dogs in Greenland, although also used as freighting and packing dogs in Europe. Want to discuss? Great information. For instance, our Mal Kari had a beautiful light and dark grey coat with a few hints of brown. do malamutes have a lot of problems health wise? An adult male Alaskan Malamute can pull around 5001,500 kilograms (1,1003,300lb) of weight, depending on build and training. As was discussed earlier, the wolf is taller and leaner than the Alaskan Malamute even though their weights are nearly identical. She weighed in at approximately 85 pounds in the prime of her life a little heavy for the average female, but she was all muscle. Which Dog Can Kill a Lion ROTTWEILER. A six-day-old girl died on Tuesday after a suspected attack by the family's Alaskan malamute dog at her home. The first ingredient is real turkey, which contains 11% protein and 7% fat. Due to this hunting background, Alaskan Malamutes tend to have a high prey drive and are likely to chase small animals like squirrels and rabbits, as well as cats. Like the Huskies, the Malamute is highly sensitive to heat. Lets recap what weve learned about her. Similarly, a wolf would be quite capable of killing a Malamute. Ultimately, the answer is yes: an Alaskan Malamute can kill a wolf in a Malamute vs.wolf fight. Thank you SO much for Watching and Commenting :)! This is because Alaskan Malamutes have a high prey drive a natural instinct that causes them to chase after and hunt animals that they deem to be prey. I would not keep a Malamute with a cat unless the pair has grown up together. $550.00. These large dogs usually live for eight years, but with loving care and sound nutrition Alaskan Malamutes can live up to ten years of age. It's always better to start with a little weight and build up. [citation needed], For a brief period during the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896, the Malamute and other sled dogs became extremely valuable to recently landed prospectors and settlers and were frequently crossbred with imported breeds. Do they chew when they are bored? Can an Alaskan Malamute kill a wolf? Is a malamute or Husky closer to a wolf? Caitlin is the owner and lead writer for The Malamute Mom. Your malamute can be smaller than average due to several reasons. They have medium-sized eyes that are almond in shape and brown. NEOPOLITAN MASTIFF. [2] The major cause of death was cancer (36%). Malamutes take their position within the household hierarchy very seriously and they can often see other dogs as a threat, leading to aggression. There are additional health issues in the breed, the origins of which are unknown, including seizure disorders, found in young puppies as well as adults, epilepsy, congenital heart problems, kidney problems and skin disorders. Robert J. Zoller became involved in the breed and took this opportunity to combine M'Loot and Hinman/Irwin dogs with selected Kotzebues to create what became the Husky-Pak line. Alaskan Malamutes are naturally a very sociable breed with humans and will often prefer the company of people to other dogs. An ancient dog breed, Mals fall into a category called "Primitive Dogs.". Both dogs were very fast, Id recommend letting them exercise so they dont take off on you. The lifespan of the Alaskan Malamute is around 10 to 12 years. From their wolfish appearance, they may look like intimidating protectors, but most Mals are friendly with everyone and make miserable watchdogs. Unless you establish yourself as the alpha (number one), he can be headstrong and demanding. It was a mournful sound, similar to that of a wolf. It creates pups that belong to neither the domesticated world of the Alaskan Malamute nor the wolfs wild world. The optimal size for Alaskan Malamutes is a maximum of 85 pounds. Fully grown they can weigh 100 pounds compared with just 60 pounds for a Husky. They climbed up the walls and suspended themselves from the ceilings. Due to their larger size, these dogs tend to cost more overall. Thats another similarity between the breeds. The merle gene is a genetic mutation that affects the color of the skin, coat, and eyes. Envizion, Indiana. Once that is established, the pack resumes the same fighting intensity they use to take down much larger animals. And if ever left outside in the rain, she would stand by the door and yip to come inside. - Alaskan Malamutes FAQ", "Report from the Kennel Club/British Small Animal Veterinary Association Scientific Committee: Summary results of the Purebred Dog Health Survey for the Alaskan Malamute breed", "Kennel Club/British Small Animal Veterinary Association Scientific Committee. The Alaskan Malamute is a Primitive Breed. They include: Few packs are fiercer or more feared, though, than the wolf pack. The Alaskan Malamute may look like a wolf, but this large working dog is a domestic Alaskan breed with pointed ears, a sturdy build, and the classic spitz tail that curves over its back. This trait makes them ideal dogs for families who regularly have guests and unfamiliar people in the home. link to Labrador Pomeranian Mix (History, Looks, Temperament), link to Labrador Retriever Costs (Buying, Feeding and Maintaining). In fact, I dont remember Kari barking a single time. Dog training videos. On vacation in Florida once the malamute ran broke the fence burrowed under trees in the a neighbors yard to cool off. The article above exactly describes the character of my dog. Thankfully, these are rare circumstances but its important to make sure you know as much information about a Malamutes past as possible before bringing them into your home. The problem is that most dog training videos on the internet are worthless, because they use the wrong training method. Thats why at Outdoor Dog Fun, weve written other articles about this beautiful breed: If youd like to read about 13 breeds that can actually kill a wolf, visit this page on our Outdoor Dog Fun blog. The Alaskan Malamute is an intelligent breed that responds well to positive, reward-based training. We are a retired couple who have had a dog in our home most of our 38 years of married life. I had husky malamute growing up, it was the best dog ever. They take on vastly different roles when hunting prey. Furthmore, researchers from the University of Georgia conducted a study to find out what are the top causes of death in Alaskan Malamutes. Wolves fighting Malamutes alone, however, may not have the stamina that has been bred into the Alaskan Malamute. They are known for being very friendly, particularly with children, and cases of Malamutes being aggressive towards people are very rare. Whilst Alaskan Malamutes are known for being very friendly and sociable with humans, they can be considered dangerous when it comes to living with small animals such as cats. also try to freeze a wet towel and laid on the ground so they can lay on it. Rottweilers are widely used as search and rescue dogs. (That being said, dont leave them on the front porch for the poor ups guy. It is rare to find a lone wolf that doesnt have a pack nearby that it is either protecting or communicating with. There is no definitive genetic link that identifies that Malamutes are more of a wolf-like creature than many other dog breeds. I am passionate about enjoying the great outdoors with my dogs. Website: Cascade Alaskan Malamutes. Another obvious breed related to wolves is the Alaskan Malamute. I live in Indiana and I am wanting a husky of a malamute which breed would be a better fit for Indiana weather. The predictive ability of the software was only limited to short time frames, but it was able to identify "walkable" surfaces after observing the dog walk on, or avoid, certain surfaces.[25][26]. We give some personal insights to help owners understand how Mals think and how owners can relate better to their Malamutes. The one difference some will say is that the Malamute, built for both brawn and stamina, are often a little bulkier than the leaner wolf. Negative experiences in a Malamutes life can lead to them associating fear with humans. Just make sure that the weight is not excessive if you're training a puppy. The neighborhood loved him too,when they heard him bark there was something going on that needed attention. In Canada, four people have died after being attacked by sled dogs between 1990 and 2007 according to the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. Tonka slams Capone and then Capone tries to dunk Tonka in the pool! Male, Born on 09/17/2022 - 23 weeks old. Alaskan Malamutes have unfortunately gotten a bad reputation from the media in recent years with some articles now listing them as one of the most dangerous breeds you can own but is this really true? They are sturdy animals but not very . WOLF DOGS. Dudley is a handsome 8 year old malamute mix that weighs in at 53 pounds. Ultimately, the answer is yes: an Alaskan Malamute can kill a wolf in a Malamute vs. wolf fight. She's looking forward to the opportunity to take both dogs boating with the family and buying ANOTHER new vacuum cleaner to manage the daily fur explosions. The Alaskan Malamute is a noble animal that is loyal and utterly devoted to its pack (human and animal). There are many different colors within the wolf family, depending on the pack location and specific breed. I have a husky/ malamute mix. A firm low commanding voice is a must. It will forever feel and be out of place and may have a sadly brief life due to being unable to reconcile the two amazing animals within its gene pool. When outdoors, Malamutes must be securely confined behind a high fence, for they can be escape artists with strong exploratory instincts. During this time, brush daily with a heavy-duty comb that reaches into the undercoat, and, well do I have to mention the vacuum cleaner? Malamutes don't know when to stop, so it's up to you to be . Heterochromia is the condition whereby there is a lack or imbalance of melanin (pigment) found in the iris. is a participant in different Affiliate programs, including Chewy, Inc. and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Despite their wolf-like appearance, intimidating size and (very!) For Malamutes btween 65 and 80 pounds, feed them 1 cup of good quality dog food twice per day. Grandpa was a Husky. Sometimes confused with Siberian Huskies, these sled poochs are the official state dog of Alaska in 2010. You may hear rumors about giant Alaskan Malamute puppies for sale or even see them advertised in various places. Whilst it is possible for them to live harmoniously, it usually takes a lot of work and constant supervision to get them to that point. Either way, they will defend themselves, their packs, and their humans, but they will be unlikely to attack a wolf without provocation. The other difference maker rests on why they are fighting. They each liked to curl up in dark corners behind furniture in our living room. Im talking several grocery bags full!!! Size. Your email address will not be published. The lone wolf does have one advantage over the Malamute. Here is how to get started. Frankly, most Alaskan Malamutes are "too much dog" for the average household. He was protective of the family too. Maybe you are wondering if your malamute is the correct size. He stays close to home now as hes older, does not go far (some arthritis now), Personally, I never had a dog before in my life, this was my 1st, I would not have any other. Can an Alaskan Malamute kill a wolf? In fact, one of the most common questions Alaskan Malamute owners are asked while out walking their dogs happens to be, Is that a wolf?. This article explores the similarities and differences between Malamutes and wolves. Thanks to their efforts, this dog breed has served as the state dog of Alaska since . No, a Malamute cannot kill you. The cooperative hunting nature of the pack makes the most difference when it comes to battles between wolves and Malamutes. The giant variety of this breed is expected to be much more expensive than the standard one. (Neuder, if young/small/petite females around.) 4. In fact, there are many Malamutes in rescue centers due to people buying them without having a good understanding of the breed. Take time to gently scrub the soapy mixture into the dog's fur completely. Contact for more information Cynthia Carriegan Bonney Lake, WA 98391 AKC Champion Bloodline Majestic Malamutes No puppies are available.. FILA BRASILEIRO. health tested lines. Are Malamutes good dogs to take backpacking? The only challenge for the Mal is to simply outlast the wolf. No, because the alaskan malamute is not as powerful and big as a big cat. Rocky. He was great with my kids and all the neighborhood kids. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. They were separate from the two Inuit dogs, the Canadian Eskimo Dog and the Greenland Dog. Although the species classified in this order are basically meat eaters, a substantial number of them . He plays vigorously and is most content when pulling or packing a load (sledding, ski-joring, weight pulling, backpacking), especially in cold weather. Can a Alaskan Malamute kill? The rugged Alaskan Malamute is a working dog, best suited to people who love the great outdoors. While a single wolf may be defeated by a Malamute, a pack would win every time. According to the AKC breed standard, the Malamute's tail is well furred and is carried over the back like a waving plume. They were bred by the Mahlemut Inuit people as heavy freighting sled dogs and were used for hunting and hauling heavy loads over long distances in harsh, arctic conditions. This way, she will consider the cat as part of her pack. Huskies, despite what their name might imply, are lean and lithe, standing just under 2 feet tall and approximately 35-60 pounds. Breed standards exist to indicate the sizes necessary for optimal health and weight in most breeds of puppies. The eyes are brown, preferably dark, and medium-sized. The Malamute can certainly withstand living outdoors in cold climates due to her dense double coat, but she still needs adequate shelter. Naturally a very sociable breed with humans and will often prefer the of! Patients in hospitals, due to her dense double coat, and other companies linked on. No puppies are available.. FILA BRASILEIRO cats if she is raised from a young age with them centers... 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