In a mandamus lawsuit, you sue the Asylum Office and ask a federal judge to order the Asylum Office to do its job (i.e., process your case). Ombudsman should be able to help you; though, its still asylum office discretion to release the decision. An asylee is a person who meets the definition of refugee and is already present in the United States or is seeking admission at a port of entry. Thank you, Can someone respond to me please, thank you. Germany refugee statistics for 2021 was 1,255,694.00, a 3.73% increase from 2020. We are seeing people wait 5, 6, 7 months or more. That sounds very concerning. The attendees represented such Is that a mistake? If something comes up, or if the person commits a crime, the government should take action against that person whether he is applying for a new benefit or just living here with an existing benefit. * This includes 666,218 asylum application cases filed since October 2000 and an Conversely, I am also seeing more interviews and more people at the offices when I am there for interviews. For this reason, I have never applied for AP for a person with asylum. Will I have really have to live with the fear of being deported simply because I once feared for life and gave money to my oppressors? On the one hand, it is an amazing story of resilience and strength. So I will do my part to withdraw from any further controversial discussion. Once we have scheduled your interview, you will receive an interview notice. Ive applied for EAD renewal in November and DL expired in April. And how soon i can get my GC im so tired of all these process, I believe there is another background check, and the processing time for a GC is 1 to 3 years (you can see processing times at They told me to call back 1 month after my EAD expires and talk to the USCIS agent once again to submit an inquiry or expedite request. If so, how long did it take to get your documents? The distribution of first-time asylum applicants by sex shows that more men (69.1%) than women (30.9%) sought asylum in 2021. I will support Donald Trump for President in 2024. You should be prepared to answer such questions if asked. Yes, Kamala found herself in a tough spot, and she has to do everything right, including ostensibly vilifying immigrants/asylum seekers, as she readies herself for the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. I notice that this discussion has been disruptive and I signaled that I wanted to end this discussion. Take care, Jason. If Asylum Officers are not interviewing new cases or deciding old cases, what the heck are they doing? Hi Jason, Anyone in the same boat? Why would you use the passport?). Unfortunately, not everyone is privileged to secure a U.S. visa that would allow them to file an I-589 application once admitted into the U.S. That doesnt mean that their claim, or right to seek asylum, should be treated less seriously or violated. I Dont know how they can do this cruelty with us, We need to be heard Jason. And yes, confidential information was retracted such as information about those who wrote a letter or confidential USCIS procedure. For the last half decade, the U.S. has prevented most migrants from pursuing asylum cases herefirst under the Remain in Mexico policy, which forced people into overcrowded shelters or dangerous border encampments in northern Mexico while their asylum cases were pending, then under the Title 42 public health policy which has Such a move might be challenged in court, but given the easy legal standard for asylum, it does seem to me an option. However, if you change your address online using form AR-11 (available at, your new address should be entered into the system quickly. I know it might sound outrageous, but I want to ask. Just curious, cant understand. Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Appeal Number: UI-2022-002573 EA/11812/2021 THE IMMIGRATION ACTS Heard at Field House Decision & Reasons Promulgated On 19 October 2022 On 9 February 2023 Before DEPUTY UPPER TRIBUNAL JUDGE DAVEY Between the secretary of state for the department Appellant From increased processing times to extensive so called background checks (that really doesnt make sense when you examine the process), and even hostile methods such as not being able to communicate to an agent. I am in Florida so no problems here. Other casesa minorityare delayed when they are referred to the Asylum Division headquarters for review. Eventually in 2020, filed for FOIA (freedom of information act) and received a copy of my asylum file > to my surprise, my asylum was granted JUST 7 days after my interview BUT the asylum office did not release the decision (This was heartbreaking as I was going through depression; FOIA took 3-4 months to be processed) None of these stopped you from getting a PHD. Believe me, most Americans want some border control, and Democrats can increase the anti-immigration base if they are not tactful. Take care, Jason, I know that even if you are GC asylum based holder, you will always need to use RTD. Take care, Jason. Congratulations to you once more. I expect that to come from Donald Trump, not from Democratic politicians. And based on small research and available resources, it looks like that timeline is growing there, but currently, they are processing EADs from applications of a bit over 8 months ago. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jason Dzubow, Esq. I do not think a Congressperson will help in this situation. Take care, Jason. Take care, Jason. My EAD expired in April 2021. Former Asylum Officer for +- 10 years with US Immigration in the San Francisco Asylum Office. Thanks Jason for weighing in . Hi Jason I filed for asylum based on my US citizen daughter who was going to be a victim of FGM from her fathers family. But my question was about if there is any law that prohibits USCIS from granting the case based on evidence submitted. If any of the readers have any question for my trip of granted asylum to greencard, you can ask. Take care, Jason. If you have tried everything else, mandamus is the last option. What asylum office did you file it at ? The EAD is being processed at Potomac Service center. Exactly! Depression, anxiety, limbo, etc. Thanks for sharing, and motivating some of us. Can I do anything to get the interview before my court date? I always assume that asylum seekers should generally be in the progressive campas without those progressives, who will grant you asylumBut recently, when I try to invoke some progressive sentiment used by AOC or Bernie Sanders or other progressive members, I can feel this tangible disapproval from the asylum communitySo is thatprogressive ideas like #MeToo #MeicareForAll #BlackLivesMatter #AbolishICE #DefundThePolice not popular with asylum community at large ? WebThe Courts in New York State are responsible for handling an ever-increasing number of cases from litigants seeking relief in a wide variety of matters. Although the suits may not be very strong legally, they can still succeed where the Asylum Office would rather make a decision in the case than fight the lawsuit; and (2) It can be expensive to hire an attorney to process a mandamus lawsuit. Its very apparent that the pre-election prospect and hope is all but gonePoliticians are never trustable. (202) 328-1353 Are we seriously pretending we do not know that Politicians all over the world say anything that would help them politically ? Asylum seekers (and immigrants in general) are more vulnerable to bad actors, and that makes such people less likely to report crimes or assert their legal rights. The interview could literally be 20-30 minutes so the officer has more time to do other cases. I think before he travels, he should talk over the specifics with a lawyer to understand whether this will work, and to know the risks. Collected a police report from the Afg embassy in the US showing I have no criminal record and I worked with the US forces in Afg; also collected FBI police records > mailed these documents to the asylum office, but no results You can try to expedite I wrote about that on March 30, 2017. Hopefully your case will be approved soon. Maybe you can find some non-profits near where he is located and contact them. Wondering if I will ever meet them alive. How can I apply.for FOIA? Its almost as if they are punishing you for trying to do it the legal way. It is difficult to reach a human, but if you do, you can explain that you will lose your ability to work and drive, and that it is an emergency. Take care, Jason. So if Im lucky it should be processed around mid-end August. Filed Dec 2013 They all have passport. what about the Mandamus lawsuit? Was the money, time and effort put into it really necessary; when you jeopardize the whole system and put hundred of thousands of people into long and uncertain waits. WebThe New York Official Reports Service provides free access to the text of all decisions published or abstracted in the Official Reports from January 1, 1956 through the latest Wouldnt that be a danger to people already in the US ? I would interpret her statement to mean that economic migrants should not make the dangerous journey, because the US is working to assist the country. Hi Naya, To understand refugee status determination, scholarship has focused on the characteristics of asylum seekers, their applications, and The best the government can do is ensure that the technology used is extremely difficult to hack/breach. Where did you see the status change of decision pending? Is there anyway to just change the email address for correspondence with the immigration and all other files ? She refused to hand Republicans a political talking point with the above statement. Pending Cases in the Immigration Court Asylum Backlog at the End of Each Fiscal Year, as of November 2022 As TRAC previously reported, the Biden administration has substantially increased the number of asylum cases completed by Immigration Judges. This is not but wicked, I truly believe they want to improve USCIS. Obviously not Donald Trump, but if a Democratic politician is too lenient on asylum seekers, could s/he/it/the accidentally let in many people who pose as asylum seekers but in fact they themselves persecutors ? That may help you. I do not think Trump says what he means at all. My guess is that the case was approved in the sense that you qualified for asylum, but the delay was the security check. However, a pending asylum case would not normally make someone ineligible for an H1b, since H1b is a dual intent visa, meaning that the embassy will not care whether he is trying to remain permanently in the US they should issue the visa anyway. Can I apply for relieve from Court and apply for GC base on this new rule for uscis to relieve victim of serious crimes? Take care, Jason, Hi Jason, first of all, I want to say a huge thank you for caring about asylees and sharing with us your knowledge and updates. Democrats were outsmarted during the Obama administration on issues such as The Supreme Court (remember when Republicans blocked his S.C. I meaneven AOC and several White House officials are perplexed by her comments. Ive written before about the, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), The Art of Migration (and a Bit of Housekeeping), The Asylum Seekers Guide to Surviving Coronavirus, Non-citizens Can Participate in the 2020 Election! You still need to see the person to determine credibility. Questions- did you actually read or listen to Kamalas statement- one that is clearly political, BTW- on Central Americans coming to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum? That said, to me the best president for asylum seekers would be one where we get new legislation (through Congress) clearly defining who we want to protect, and then implementing that new law. I would not care too. My wife and me got interviewed asylum case.Now we wait ing decoration 5 years.We check our case status it shows Application is pending. Glad that you overcome all barriers and received approval. If you are worried about it, you can also email the asylum office directly to inform them of your new address you can find their email if you follow the link under Resources called Asylum Office Locator. My decision pending for six months now. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, February 2023. If not can they seek asylum at the airport? I cannot believe that after 8 years of waiting I finally got my approval letter. I am concerned. I wrote about that on September 11, 2017. Hope you see your mom and close relatives soon. while the caseload of applications pending decision hit its highest level since 2017. The huge drop in defensive asylum case decision during FY 2021 allowed the percentage of decisions in affirmative asylum cases to climb back to 15 percent. This was true even though the actual number of decisions in affirmative cases also actually fell as a result of Court closures during the pandemic. Figure 3. WebUnder U.S. immigration law, applicants who applied for asylum on or after April 1, 1997, should have their initial interview within 45 days after filing their application, and get a decision regarding their case within 180 days after filing it, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Currently, that is not necessarily the case. Good luck, Jason. And they have the audacity to try to insult our intelligence. They are an immoral, unscrupulous bunch, I tell you. Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Appeal Number: UI-2022-002573 EA/11812/2021 THE IMMIGRATION ACTS Heard at Field House Decision & Reasons Promulgated On 19 October 2022 On 9 February 2023 Before DEPUTY UPPER TRIBUNAL JUDGE DAVEY Between the secretary of state for the department Appellant I wouldnt be very surprised the next few years will be the toughest yet for asylum seekers. You can try to expedite the interview. Take care, Jason, I applied for asylum in 2014. Have you used Senator/Congressman in any of your expedite requests with supporting documents? The Secretary of States position was, and is, that without a residence document or pending application under the EEA Regulations 2016 prior to 31 December 2020, the claimant could not succeed under the EUSS and could not rely upon 1 Some people here say that does mean an approved. Im also in California, so Ill definitely look into AB60! I am glad it did; thats why I shared, knowing there are many people who are still in the same situation. How long does it typically take to change to a new update? WebCountry of asylum is the country where an asylum claim was filed and granted. Timeline: Thank you so much again for starting this amazing forum where people can share their experience and ask question! I got the same updates and it was approved later. What we should to do.. My wife and me got interviewed asylum case.Now we wait ing decisions 6 years since 2015 We check our case status it shows Application is pending.Looks still not decision complete. Take care, Jason, Thanks Jason for weighing in. You already have all the info you need. You can have an immigration lawyer file a Petition for a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court to force the USCIS make a decision in your pending case. Germany refugee statistics for 2020 was 1,210,596.00, a 5.57% increase from 2019. Had to wait for 5 more months to receive the final decision. I would be blowing gum while having eye rolls, because his action would never have matched that Comment. However, you may not apply for employment authorization until 365 calendar days after you submit your asylum application in most cases. I do not know why it is so slow, and I think it is completely ridiculous. That was particularly true when he spoke about asylum seekers, who he vilified and used to help propel himself to power. So maybe that will be part of it. TRAC examined all asylum decisions in case-by-case Immigration Court records covering FY 2001-FY 2021. My wife and me got interviewed asylum case.Now we wait ing decisions 6 years since 2015 We check our case status it shows Application is pending.Looks still not decision complete. [3] According to the IPA, an asylum application should be examined the soonest possible and, in any case, within 6 months, in the framework of the regular procedure. Like I said, her statement will not deter anyone who is desperate to reach here. JDzubow(at) Even though Biden is POTUS, and there is a new administration, we are still not back to pre-Trump refugee admission levels because of the amount of damage already done. Dont be ashamed to seek mental health counseling and take medication. Applying for adjustment of status isnt cheap. I honestly wish the US can make a decision on how to resolve the immigration crisis, and not keep changing ,and dismantling policies with every administration. I would talk to a lawyer about that theoretically, he may be able to do that, but there are some real issues. I think it is a personal decision whether to try to sue or not. How long these days to get the interview to be naturalized? I prefer to live in a world where more people say what they mean and mean what they say. I mean its not No.1 but isnt No.2 good enough ? Another reason for delay is that each case needs to be reviewed by a supervisor, and the Asylum Offices are apparently short of supervisors. Take care, Jason. I would need a shared experience of anyone that have been through these. Theoretically, its easier to deport someone who has adjusted his/her status to LPR than it is someone who has asylum or refugee status. Im waiting for the interview since Feb 2015 in New York. He actually had a situation that force him to come to the US and seek asylum. I also did a blog post with ideas for expediting on January 29, 2020 maybe that would help. I have been following your website for a while, its very informative and the comments are very helpful. Posted on Feb 21, 2021 1) This question should be answered by your immigration attorney, 2) the change has no particular meaning, but if more than a month passes and you do not receive your asylum decision then ask your attorney to submit a letter to the asylum office. My lawyer told me to wait. Good luck. That is so bad, It is bad, and it is a potential problem. Is it true? At least in my experience, the delay tends to be worse for people (especially men) from majority Muslim countries. I Dont know how they can do this cruelty with us, We need to be heard Jason. More than 160,000 asylum seekers were waiting for an initial decision on their claim at the end of December - up 60% for the same period in 2021. Germany refugee statistics for 2020 was 1,210,596.00, a 5.57% increase from 2019. Still waiting, These cards are very delayed lately. Germany refugee statistics for 2021 was 1,255,694.00, a 3.73% increase from 2020. Also, if the H1b is denied for any reason, unless he has AP, there is probably no way for him to return to the US. Wait, isnt China the No.2 country in the world ? is it possible to contact local congress man to help me scheduled individual interview ? TIA. If she is being a politician, I dont think she did a good job frankly. The vice president did not call immigrants names, did she? I second to this. Picks?) (202) 328-1353 I think she might want to replace the latino population with another demographic. Am surprised its 3 years anytime I enquire am told case is pending final decision. Is it a good idea to bring in additional opponents in our asylum cases. Your question about the length of time they take to approve asylum-based GCs, especially since they perform background checks for every step of the process and already did a rigorous interview(s), is the million dollar question. Just in case anyone asksI dont understand why people from at least No.2 to No.20 should seek asylum in the U.S. Like your country is already very powerful and affluent. (If I would not take medication, I would have died 3 years ago from crying and being sad while I could not be with my mother and all my friends got their asylum; I was not accepting that I have depression/anxiety until a friend begged me to go to a doctor. It is a difficult balancing act where noncitizens are pawns who are being harmed in the process. My grandmother is sick in a third country and I am hoping to meet her as soon as possible but dont think Ill make it. Unfortunately, for many of these old cases, it feels like they have been forgotten, and there is no indication about when a decision will ever be issued. Whats the reason for this post-interview delay, and what can you do if you were interviewed, but have not received a decision? If you have an urgent need for the decision (due to a health problem or family separation, for example), inform the Asylum Office about the situation (and provide some evidence), and ask them to expedite the decision. It was a smart approach, because Republicans will not have an extra quote(talking point) for 2022 and beyond. Ive been religiously following this blog since early 2017 (or maybe even earlier), and really appreciate all the time & attention you have been putting in it. This is an idiotic excuse for delay it almost never happens that way in Immigration Court, but it routinely happens that way at the Asylum Office. May I know what could happened? There was a time a visited uscis before COVID to enquire one officer told me the Asylum officer who interviewed me approved my case. WebAs of April 2021, the number of pending asylum application reached a record high, nearly 400,000, representing a total of more than 600,000 asylum applicants who are awaiting a Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, February 2023. I did a blog post about the GC lottery on October 5, 2015 where I discuss eligibility to adjust status you need to be sure about that, as many people need to leave the US to get the GC (talk to a lawyer if you are not sure). If you do nothing, you are likely to keep waiting for some time, as USCIS has been prioritizing newly filed cases over old cases since January 2018. I did a post on April 7, 2021 with more info on this point. The vice president is not, and we know her statement fell on deaf ears, because when people/parents are desperate, they dont care. When I applied to DL last time (2 years ago) they didnt accept the notice of receipt and said that for Real ID, I need to have approved EAD on my hands. Or will they be deported right away she and the kids after riding the plane all the way to the US from the Philippines? The situation is that my grandma is really sick back home and I know if anything bad happens to dad he has to leave but at the same time he is worried that we would lose our case since our whole family is under his application. So dont worry. The final outcome of this process is a decision at first instance, which can be followed by another decision if the decision is appealed. Ever got a response back? 56 % of Afghans in Europe receive protection status. I have a pending asylum case waiting for a decision 1.5 years after my interview. Id like to see the statistics on that. Practically speaking, there is not much of a difference, as it concerns how a refugee/asylee lives in the U.S. versus someone who adjusted his/her status based on her his/her former asyleee/refugee status. Thank you brother. Do you think USCIS will check my asylum case when processing my GC application? What I support, though, for legal reasons, which is arguably limiting who can apply for asylum, is a clear and unambiguous definition of Particular Social Group without denying people, who would otherwise be eligible, the right to seek asylum. WebIn 2021, EU+ asylum authorities issued approximately 535 000 first instance decisions, marginally more than in 2020 but roughly in line with pre-pandemic levels. If you do not have copies of your documents, you should be able to get them by filing a Freedom of Information Act request with the government follow the link under Resources called FOIA USCIS. A background check for a RTD is much faster than the kind of background check that comes after an asylum interview. Youd be surprised to learn that there are some asylum seekers- the ones who file affirmatively- who have had to make extremely difficulty decisions (I know this because I work with organizations that provide support to asylum seekers and refugees in New York). Yesterday I called USCIS on the number that you provided and spoke to a USCIS agent. Politicians shift their talking points for political expediency. Why there are so many people doing like protesting or seeking asylum such ? We must fight back; before we know it, words like asylum and refugee will become synonymous with illegal. Hello Jason, Best kind of President for asylum seekers ? Decision in June 2021 > APPROVED! my question is , my wife she is my cousin can I still sponsor her , or it will be difficult . What we should to do..We dont have Attorney.. Hi. Finger crossed. After the interview, I waited for a year and no update. Their actions hardly match their words. Good luck, Jason. Have you tried to submit the request from DHS Obbustman? was anything redacted, like information pertaining to third parties? Maybe that will help expedite things. Congresswoman Intervened, no result. Heres how I have wired my mind with politicians- whatever they say during a scripted/rehearsed speech has been politically calculated! The Biden Administration has a tough task to satisfy the base and make some progress helping noncitizens, and at the same time, not angering and energizing so many Americans that they create a backlash with severe political consequences. On a more related note. I am not sure that is 100% correct, and so you have to wait for the letter, but it is a hopeful sign. I recommend to do it 2 months before your receipt expiration date, if you dont receive your EAD yet. For the FOIA, did you also receive information about your original visa application(s), or just information from when you reached the USA? Ombudsmen accepted my case and contacted USCIS No improvement at all. I just requested for asylum case. The directive from ice states that you have to be a immediate relative of someone in serious danger physical harm or other serious danger etc can this be classed as a case they can use to close the removal proceedings? Democrats control all branches of government and they still struggle to make significant move on immigration and immigration agencies? I have received a response pretty same last year. We know that USCIS has the practice of referring some asylum seekers to the court without interviewing them. I do think the issue is (and always has been) political Trump rode to power largely as a result of his views on immigration, and if Biden is not careful, and if he is perceived as too pro-immigrant, it could cause a political backlash that will bring more Republicans to power in 2022. Take care, Jason. @ Asylee .I-130 Applied in March 2019. Thank you for sharing this useful information. If you are planning to embark on the dangerous journey, dont come. This office exists to assist people who have delayed or problematic cases. Would you, an asylee, concur with Kamala in this regard? My AB60 drivers license is valid for 5 years. Regardless of how much democrats criticize her for these comments, it is highly unlikely that they vote republican. moderate ? I think that message is standard. Asylum Decision Rates by Nationality (PDF) 13. The ridiculousness of it is that they conducted a lengthy background check before granting asylum, and would delay your green card application under the pretext of conducting another background check. Because, if a person is too shrewd, you dont know if one day that person will turn his/her back on you. Congress: You can contact your Congressional Representative or Senator to ask for help with the decision. However, there are many issues to consider, and I do not know whether he would be eligible or get into trouble. what can be done about the RTD (refugee travel document) situation ? Asylum case when processing my GC application become synonymous with illegal was 1,210,596.00, a 5.57 % increase asylum decision pending 2021.. I applied for EAD renewal in November and DL expired in April us immigration in San... Change the email address for correspondence with the decision status it shows application is pending final decision people. 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