While I have a fondness for Agricola because it was the first worker placement game I ever played it and Space Alert provided my entree into the giant new world of designer games Ive also been heardto call Agricola migraine in a box. Once there are no tiles left on the space, it becomes a pasture. Whenever you have 2/3 different types of animals at the beginning of the field phase, you may add 1 more resource on 1/2 of your planted fields (or planted cards). You immediately receive 1 food. in which case, it remains on the farmyard space. You cannot use such an action space just to use this card if the action space contains no reed (e.g. One caveat to all of this is the Farmers of the Moor deck of Minor Improvements (M) which, like the original, was intended to be played by itself, and only by itself, when playing the Farmers expansion. When you play this card, place one of your unbuilt fences upright on an unused farmyard space. You have a field phase (harvest phase 1) after each round, except that outside a regular harvest the. You cannot take the Pottery if another player already has taken it. When you play this card, immediately fence one space in your farmyard. Each paid clay is placed on this card. You cannot receive more than 2 stables from the Building Plan in one turn. Whenever you use a family member's action to take wood that is on an accumulating action space and you have 1/2/3 wild boar, you receive 1/2/3 additional food. You receive the sheep in rounds 4, 7, 9, and 11. If you convert an animal yourself, you receive no additional food. Well, I eventually did and now have two sets of nearly identical games. To extend your home, you need only 3 of the appropriate resource and 2 reed for each new room. The Outhouse has no effect. Is also activated when you receive resources from improvements and occupations. When you bake bread you can convert as many grain as you want. Immediately take as many moor tiles from your farmyard as you wish. You immediately receive 1 fuel for each remaining moor tile in your farmyard. Place the 2 clay that you paid on this card. The original version, which I'll call Original Agricola for this article, was published in 2007 by Lookout Games and was distributed in English by Z-Man Games. You lose all effects of your old occupations when you play this card. [, If a plough or Harrow has been discarded, e.g. Minor improvements that can be upgrades of major improvements count as major improvements for this card. Only the food that was lying on the action space can be used to buy animals. You also receive the free stables if you build more than 2 rooms. Each stone costs 2 food. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. (The guest represents the animal.). Also, you can use food that you take from that action space to buy more stone. When you play Birthstone, you may immediately do this for any new family member that you already received this round. All future pastures must border at least one existing pasture. Pay the costs using 1 less building resource of your choice. grain and 1 animal for 3 Bonus points. [, If there is more than one stack of grain on a field, on the. You cannot use the Scythe twice on the same field in the same sowing action. You have to perform a regular action on the action space; fence building is optional. You do not perform the actions of either the field phase or the breeding phase of the next harvest. Other building resources are wood, clay, and reed. The simple answer is, probably yes (card-back issue aside). You can place 2 people one after another, as long as both action spaces are on the same board and adjoin one another (not diagonally). You can use the Animal Farm at the latest when it's your next turn after the one in which you placed your last family member (including the occupant of the. Each of the new spaces must border an existing farmyard space. When you play this card, place 4 sheep cubes, 3 wild boar cubes and 2 cattle cubes in a container. In addition, you can place 1 additional vegetable on all fields and farmyard spaces where vegetables are planted. You receive your choice of 5 food or 1 cattle from the general supply. You immediately receive 1 fuel. This October at Essen SPIEL'22, these 15 years will be completed. or any other occupation or improvement to get reed. You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Brushwood Roof for the same action. We may earn revenue when users click on store links. Very slow interface compared to the other Agricola version The Revised Edition, or Revised as it is commonly called, is the third edition of the Magic core set. You can only get food or fuel for buildings that you own. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. [, Is not activated when another player uses the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the. The Tavern is an additional action space. Baking bread counts as converting goods to food. Each player starts with two playing tokens (farmer and spouse) and thus can take two turns, or actions, per round. In rounds 10 and 12, all other players may not place 1 of their family's offspring (if they have any). They loosely translate to E=Beginner, I=Intermediate, K=Advanced. If you choose to build fewer than 4 fences, you return the leftover fences to your personal supply of unbuilt fences. You may place a room tile on this card to show that you have not yet taken the extension action. Privacy Policy. You receive 3 food immediately. If a discarded improvement would have given you something (resources, food, etc.) Only the food that is lying on the action space is doubled. In my opinion, Yes. Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $99.00), $7.99 shipping (Free shipping Over $90.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $149.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $25.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $150.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $215.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $200.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $100.00), $5.99 shipping (Free shipping Over $99.00), $5.00 shipping (Free shipping Over $75.00), $5.90 shipping (Free shipping Over $59.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $59.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $250.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $20.00), Shipping Varies (Free shipping Over $60.00). Place the offspring on this card until the returning home phase. Whenever you take the "Infirmary" action with a person who is marked with a bed token, you receive 1 additional food. Fences must always be placed according to the rules. Then there was the (L) Deck which wasn't really a deck, per se, but an amalgamation of every promo card given out. Once during the game, when you use either the "Plough 1 Field" or the "Plough Field and Sow" action space, you can plough 2 fields instead of 1. You must have room in your home. Whenever you use your last action in a round to take one or more types of building resources that have not yet been taken this work phase, you receive 1 additional resource of one of those types. Place 1 wood on each remaining even-numbered round space. You receive the building resources after acquiring or playing each card; you cannot use these resources to pay for the cards. The Ladder has no effect if the number of reeds required is already lowered to 0, e.g. When you play this card, immediately take a sowing action. The 17th Century was not an easy time to be a farmer. Up to 3 stacks of food may be planted on it in total. You may sow fields even if they already contain resources. Place 2 grain and 2 vegetables on this card. That space cannot be used to hold anything now, but is counted as used, and is worth 1 additional bonus point at the end of the game. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 2/4/5 stone. Moor and forest tiles do not count as empty spaces. If you sow three or more fields, you do not get any additional goods. Different icons wouldve been helpful here. It seems to me that Mayfair is giving Agricola the Catan treatment. Immediately before scoring, you receive 1 additional animal of each type that you already have. But I digress As new expansion decks came out, things became complicated. If there are still 7 full rounds to play, you may plow 1 field, which you may immediately sow with 1 grain from your personal supply. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for a clay hut, or 2 bonus points for a stone house. If you take an animal, you may immediately convert it to food with an appropriate improvement without having to make room for it in your farmyard. Distilling schnaps does not count as baking. Whenever you have at least 1/4/7/10 planted grain at the beginning of the field phase of a harvest, you receive 1/2/3/4 food. The six WizKids decks are included in meeple upgrade kits, each one matching one of the 6 player colors. Each field that is orthogonally adjacent to 2 or more stables, gets an additional 2 grain or 2 vegetables. You may repay the loan at any time before the scoring, including during the game. You must discard 2 improvements that are on the table in front of you. Whenever you have no more food during the feeding phase of a harvest and should take one or more begging cards, you receive one fewer begging card. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive an additional 1 food or 1 reed. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for your ninth grain. The stables are the same. Other building resources are wood, clay, and stone. Each round, you may place 1 guest token as you would a family member. When you acquire the Pottery or play the Potter, you receive 4 clay. Whenever another player chooses the Traveling players action on an action space, you can pay 1 food to play an occupation. You start each game right away with the chosen occupation so you dont have to worry about losing an action to play them. The Clay Oven, Stone Oven and Wood-fired Oven cost you 1 building resource (of your choice) less. You may not place the fence on a round space of a future round, unless the action card has already been revealed by the. If you do, you do not need to have or to pay any food. You must pay the food before you take the vegetable. To build a bigger house you have to acquire resources. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Discard all the remaining minor improvements in your hand, and draw 7 new minor improvements. If the action space provides a choice of actions, you may choose either. I have since played the Revised Edition a number of times, too, and have a pretty good feeling for how the two editions compare. Any player who uses this action space must pay you 2 food. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you can use the Bakehouse to convert up to 2 grain into 5 food each. Includes the same 139 Minors and 169 Occupations as the base game. You may add a tile to a farmyard space already containing 2 or more tiles, as long as the top one is a forest. If any player has built a Well, you receive 3 food for each 2 clay instead. Is activated by every improvement you play, even if you play several in a single turn. You may not move it later. Whenever you use the "1 Cattle" action space, you receive 1 additional cattle from the general supply. [, You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Clay Roof for the same action. You may not place a guest in round 14 that you could otherwise have used. In the final harvest, you can exchange 3 fuel for 1 bonus point, or 5 fuel for 2 bonus points. (PREORDER) Increase Quantity of Agricola: Storage Box (PREORDER) Adding to cart The item has been added. When building a room, you may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 wood instead of the 2 reeds required. < 1 2 3 > 21 Comments ToaruKun Jan 17, 2021 @ 9:44pm Hi Sceadeau, Not many. A harvest counts as part of the preceding round. This allows you to take an action with it this round. The "1 Cattle" action space is added in round 10 or 11. When you play this card, immediately return a stable from your farmyard to your supply and extend your wooden hut by 1 room. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Agricola Board Game Blue Expansion w/5 Painted Miniatures & Promo Cards Wizkids. You place up to 3 wood from your personal supply next to each other on this card, and pile additional wood from the general supply on your own 1--3 wood markers. These tiles show that you can use the special action "Cut Peat" at the start of the round. This action space is revealed in round 5, 6, or 7. You can only use this card once per harvest. You do get the regular points for both cards: 2 for the Joinery, 3 for the Sawmill. When you play this card, you receive 2 stone. May only be used once in each round. Because each action on the board can only be taken once each round by just one player, you constantly have to adjust your priorities and tactics accordingly. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Your goal: to buildthe most lucrativefarm in 14 rounds of play. If, at the end of the game, you have at least as many food on the Lederhosen as you have family members, you receive 2 bonus points; if you have twice as many, you receive 3 bonus points. You can use the "Take 1 Vegetable", "Plough 1 Field" and "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces even if another player has already placed a person on the space. The Spielefest counts as played improvement, e.g. When you play this card, you may also take a bread baking action. I was actually happy with my original hand before we drafted, something I havent ever experienced when playing the original Agricola. Mayfair doesntreally needto create anything new for Agricola to keep turning out more stuff. A sheep costs 2 food, a wild boar 3 food, a cattle 4 food. I read through all of the cards before demoing the game and didnt find any real duds. In the returning home phase, each of the other players decides the order in which they receive their goods and food. It was a trap! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Agricola 5/6 Player Expansion Board Game REVISED Mayfair Edition Cards Only at the best online prices at eBay! In the feeding phase of the harvest, you are the last player to feed your family (so you can benefit if other players slaughter). The start cards are numbered from 1 to 9. Whenever you or another player receives 3 food or more on an action space, you receive 1 food from the general supply. At least one space must be newly used, and may not contain stables. after using the Clay Plasterer and the, Although you do not take part in the harvest, other players may still use your cards or interact with your farm, if you or they have a card that allows this, such as. Include the "1 Clay" action card from the 3-player game as an additional clay pit. Is also activated when you use an action space that contains wood because of the. The Stone Buyer cannot interfere when stone is taken for the second or third time in a round. The Pottery is now a minor improvement for you. You require 2 less wood and 1 less reed to build wooden hut rooms. All the animals on this card count as yours when animals breed. If another player plays the Baker or Master Baker, you may play this card immediately at no cost. If you do not wish to pay the 1 food to buy the vegetables, the vegetable is returned to the general supply. Place 1 reed each on the next 3 remaining round spaces. The fences built in the original action (before using Stablehand and Fence Overseer) must follow the rules for fence building: complete pastures only. Food that you receive at the start of a round can be used to pay for the fences immediately. This goes for the Farms of the Moor decks as well. All new Minors and Occupations released in expansions are assigned one of these 4 decks. Is only activated once per action space. Whenever you renovate your home, you may at the same time build 1 room. Skip to main content . Taking a double action is not optional. Agricola Revised Edition Minor Improvement and Occupation cards. Place 1 food from the general supply on each of the next 5 round spaces. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Heating Stove immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. If you also have another card that sets a new base cost (e.g. Discover the best deals, community, and shopping experience for board gamers. Promote community contributions! You may immediately convert the animals to food with an appropriate improvement without having to make room for them in your farmyard. Until the end of the next harvest, you may convert animals, vegetables, grain, and building resources to food as if you owned the chosen player's improvements in addition to yours. Once during the game, you can pay 1 wild boar to carry out a family growth action without placing one of your people. Is also activated by the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games. If you have no unbuilt stables left, or if there is no place in your farmyard where it can be placed, the Stablehand has no effect. When you play this card, place one of your fences on an action space of your choice. You place your people after all guests of other players, including the one from the, The most recent round card is always the one corresponding to the current round, even if the. On the other hand, some decks didn't play well alone. If you use the "Plough Field and Sow" action space, you may sow before you plough. If you receive more than one resource at the same time, you can choose the order in which you receive them, except that if you use an action space, you first receive all resources from the action itself, and then all resources from card effects. For example, if your right-hand neighbour is the starting player, you may pay him 1 food and place the first person. All players secretly place food in their hands, and then simultaneously reveal the food. Whenever you sow on the Turnip Field, you may use the. Whenever you extend or renovate your home, you can replace 1 or 2 reed with the same amount of wood. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. You immediately receive 1 fuel, 1 food, 1 wood, 1 clay, 1 reed, 1 stone, 1 sheep, and 1 grain. The first three check out, but I have 57 occupation cards, and I dont see any duplicates. In addition you can (optionally) immediately exchange 1 moor tile for a field tile. Take the food from the action space, and the same amount from the general supply. You pay 1 stone less for it. All improvements, rooms and renovations cost you 1 stone less. As soon as we could, we replaced the cubeswith animeeples which helped some. At any time, you can remove 1 of them to exchange any 1 building resource for any other building resource except stone. Instead, there are simply 4 decks now: (A), (B), (C), (D). The Acreage counts as two fields if both fields of the Acreage are planted. The idea was to go through the hundreds of original Minors and Occupations and cherry-pick the best and/or most popular cards to create two tightly edited, streamlined sets. Then there are the serious deck expansions that heavily expand the (A), (B), (C), and (D) decks. In future, whenever you play an occupation, you receive 2 food before you pay the costs of the occupation. because of. On a turn, you get to take only two actions, one for you and one for the spouse, from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting clay, wood or stone; building fences; and so on. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 3/5/7 wood. Is activated on both the "Plough 1 Field" and the "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces, and when you plough a field using a card. akolo evans. It is allowed to choose an action space with a sowing action, only to sow on the Bean Field. The face down card still counts as played for determining future occupation costs and for requirements of improvements. If another player plays the Chief card, you can play this card immediately at no cost. Once you live in a clay hut or stone house, play your next family growth action as a family growth even without room. At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetable 2 food; sheep 1 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food. Wood from the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Wood" in 5-player games and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games is also counted, and may activate the Timber Mill if there is additional wood on the space. In the next round, the person from this space can be placed before the starting player places his first person. You yourself may place all your family members. Would you like your application reviewed on WorldsApps? You may not use the other player's occupations, e.g. At any time, you can remove them to receive 1 other good or marker. The points from this card count as negative for the. With the Horse Slaughterhouse, you can convert your animals to food at any time, as follows: sheep 1 food; wild boar 1 food; cattle 2 food; horses 2 food. The grain that you want to convert into food may not be on fields; it must be taken from your personal supply. When you play more than one occupation in one action, you can bake bread more than once too. The second marker of the same type has no effect. You may sow 1 of your rooms as if it were 1 field. You only receive the bonus once, even if you have 2 fireplaces. Pay 2 less clay for each room. Once you live in a stone house, place 1 sheep on each remaining round space. You still need to feed newborns with 1 food. You can also use the School for actions in which you can play only a minor improvement, such as the one on the "Family Growth and Minor Improvement" action space. Negative points that are compensated by the Yeoman Farmer are not counted as negative for the, The Yeoman Farmer also compensates negative (bonus) points for. Nearly identical games only use this card contains wood because of the.. Something ( resources, food, a wild boar 3 food or more fields, you can ( optionally immediately. To food with an appropriate improvement without having to make room for in! Reed each on the farmyard space a minor improvement for you return the leftover fences to your personal.! Improvement agricola revised edition card list have given you something ( resources, food, a cattle 4 food 5, 6, actions. Player colors have or to pay for the Sawmill as many moor from. Orthogonally adjacent to 2 grain and 2 vegetables on this card, place of. 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